Saturday, August 21, 2010

Am I the Same Boy

I am currently in Yahoo Messenger with (one of the few) friends who know I am Positive. As I write now, I have thoughts of how some things can remain almost the same over time while others can change in a blink of an eye.

I have been in my mom's place for a visit for a few days now and today, a friend from high school decided to visit me and and we went to another friend's house. My friend's house still looked almost the same. The same vibe. The same warm welcome from his parents. The same neighborhood. Almost the same 5 or 10 years ago.

We then took a walk by the school where I spent most of my formative years. I remember the classroom I was in. The oval and the acacia tree where we used to hang out after school is still standing strong. The leaning wall is still the same wall and hasn't fallen yet. The sound of the jeepneys are pretty much the same, although a little louder now.

Some things don't change much over time.

On the other hand, while talking to this friend, I also realized that there are some thing that can change at a blink of an eye or a snap of a finger.

I have been living my life as I know it. It has been going well, smooth and manageable, until suddenly I found out that I am HIV Positive. I wouldn't exagerate, though. It is not as if the next day I wake up, my life suddenly became that of a dying man who has been sick and can barely manage to do things. I am still able to do what I have to, with a little discomfort and self-limitation. But the point is that, realization comes that there are things that I do which I cannot and should not do while, while there are those that I have to and should do to be able to go on.

I know I should not indulge too much in an overnight drinking party, drowning myself with alcohol and swim in fumes of cigarettes. I know I should be taking time to properly rest. I know I have to keep my body healthy. And the list goes on.

Am I the same Boy?

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